Thursday, March 1, 2012

Now That's Just Trashy!

I live in a beautiful area of the US.  I mean, it's so beautiful that people come here for vacation.  Let me be clear, that this is not just a problem here.  I think it stands out more though here.  I mean, sunrises and sunsets are picturesque.  The sounds of the river flowing is therapeutic.  But the trash... it's downright disgusting.

I have been out fishing and filled a grocery bag with the trash that was left out there.  Old bottles of Powerbait, packages of live bait discarded, drink bottles, etc... you name it, it's there.  Why on earth would anyone feel they have the right to litter?  I can't figure this out.  These places that are trashed are beautiful.  Lakes surrounded by mountains, small streams so clear you can see to the bottom...  even if they weren't beautiful, the world isn't our personal trash can!

Why would you want to leave litter here?

People are always complaining that they can't fish for trout in many areas because landowners have said, "Enough is enough!"  I don't blame the landowners.  My parents live along the river.  Yesterday, my sister and my kids walked along the road that is adjacent to the river and their property to pick up trash.  They picked up 4- five gallon buckets of trash.  They couldn't even get to the end of the property because the buckets were full.  In this trash, there were: beer bottles, fast food bags, water bottles, and candy wrappers to name a few.  I have even found a fishing license along the road before.  Since their property is marked no trespassing, I find that interesting.

Listen, I'm no tree hugger, but this is ridiculous.  Let's be a little more vigilant by doing the following things:

#1- Do not, by any means, leave fishing line on the shore of any body of water.  It's dangerous to animals who get entangled in it.  Put it in your tackle box or the pocket of whatever you are wearing.  Throw it out when you get home.
#2- If you brought it with you, take it back.  There should be no packaging left.  If it had product in it, you surely wouldn't leave it!
#3- If you see some litter, pick it up.  It will take you all of a couple minutes and it will not end up in the water later.  Clean water is what we all want, right?
#4- Teach your kids to do the same.  Leaders lead by example.  I know my kids hate to see litter when we are out enjoying nature, because they see the various forms of garbage that have been dumped on my parents property, which have included- toilets, refrigerators, numerous deer carcasses (yes, that's littering you didn't choose to leave the carcass on your property did you), electrical wiring, and tires of various sizes just to name a few.

Hey, if we just live like a Cub Scout, I think it will solve the problem!  My son learned these rules when he was a scout:


  1. Great article Staci! We live up against the National Forest and for some reason people think it's ok to toss beer cans and bottle out the windows while enjoying a scenic drive?! It used to really grate on me when I would go for a walk. Now I take a bag for garbage and pick it up. It makes ME feel better, and has turned my anger to pity towards those who are not even thinking beyond the moment.

    "If we live like a Cub Scout I think it will solve the problem." Good quote!

    1. Thanks Holly, what a great idea. Does that qualify as weight lifting as well?

  2. I agree with this 100%!
    I'm not a "tree hugger" either but I hate when I want to go somewhere beautiful and people don't have the decency to pick up after themselves. It's ridiculous.
    It's like talking to a wall telling them to pick up their trash. I'd just as easily pick it up for them and leave it scattered on their lawn. See how they like it! Hah

    1. Mandy, I like your idea! Maybe it could be a new form of punishment for littering!

  3. Totally agree ... it's amazing what people leave behind.

    1. Or, the liberties they take with other people's property.

  4. I completely agree. I recently heard the advice that you should always "leave the place better than you found it" - I think that is a great way to approach the outdoors, or anything in life really. Not only should we make sure that when we're in the great outdoors that we pick up after ourselves, but if we see something that someone has left behind, we should take care to pick it up too. In life we should always try to leave any situation better than we found it.

    1. MJ, I love the comment- "In life we should always try to leave any situation better than we found it."

  5. Staci, good for you. I've always tried to live by and model the teachings of the First People who said, "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.
    Peace and good.

  6. I'm with you! I live in TN and it horrible what gets left behind. It's even worse when the lake levels drop and you can really see all the trash. Tires, beer cans, and worse. Hopefully this will open a few more eyes to the problem.

    1. Colette, I have heard of some lakes looking that way. Can you do me a favor? If that happens again, will you contact me? I would love to have a picture to post here and on my store's facebook page.

  7. Great article, we used to live on the road and the trash at state parks was so depressing. I hope that we instilled better habits in our kids by seeing that and helping to clean up!

    Nice blog... and you make me wish that we lived on the road again:(

    1. Byn, I'm sure the state parks have trash cans and people who empty them. Amazing how people won't walk a few steps.

  8. When my boyfriend and I see people littering, we always make sure to tell them to pick it up. We're like the litter police.

    One day we were at Dairy Queen and we see these people sitting in their car eating and they decide to stick a cup outside on the ground when they opened their car door instead of walking a couple feet to the trash can to dispose of it. When we got our food, he walked up to their car door window and said I hope you're not going to leave that there. Not sure if they heard, but at least we made a conscious effort to do something about it. They hadn't left yet, so we didn't want to pick it up in case it had something in it that they were letting sit outside to stay cold. But either way, we tried.

    1. Well done! Unfortunately, people don't seem to have any shame.

  9. I love number 4. I always teach my kids to leave it better than they found it.

    1. Hopefully, they will also lead by example with their friends.

  10. I've always been offended by littering. I'm no tree hugger either but it just seems logical to not litter. I mean, most people do not throw things away on their living room floor- well, most do not anyway. What really irks me is when people throw cigarette butts on the ground. People have this complex about thinking that if they can't see it, it ain't there. To me, that is d-u-m-b logic! DUMB!

    1. Well said, Ashley! That's a thought, though. Maybe the people who litter would throw it on their living room floor! ;-)

  11. I grew up in South America where littering is a way of life, so when I am back to America, I really started to appreciate clean road sides. I hate litter and have taught my kids to not even toss gum out the window because I don't want someone stepping on it!

    1. Shopping, thanks for a reminder about the blessings we have. Even more of a reason to keep it clean!

  12. I'm no tree hugger either but it is disgusting when people litter. It bothers me that people litter but not only that. It bothers me more when people litter on other people's property.

    1. Bothers my kids too because they have to clean it. I hope they never catch someone doing it. That person will never hear the end of it!

  13. Absolutely agree and totally feel we have to teach our kids so this will be important to the next generation! We live in such a disposable time. Everything comes in so much packaging! Great article!

    1. Thanks, Jennie! It is a disposable time. Maybe the answer is to get back to basics!

  14. I hear you. I live in vacationland also and it seems like people don't care because it's not their home. Boy Scouts is great for teaching personal responsibility.

    1. Maybe scouting should be a per-requisit for graduation!

  15. Agree fully - leave it the way you arrived!

  16. I'm not a "tree hugger" but I do appreciate nature and wildlife. I couldn't agree with you more. Some people just don't have any respect for anything, we live in a "throw away" society now. No one gets anything fixed anymore because it is special to them, they throw it out and buy new. And unfortunately the beautiful placed around the US are paying for the "throw away" mentality. I am so sorry that you have to live near this mess when you should be reveling in the beauty. I also would like to Thank you for taking the time to improve it and get rid of the trash and for teaching your kids the responsibility of keeping our world clean! Great post!

    1. RuralMama,
      The beauty of the area far outweighs the mess. I agree, we need to get back to quality products that last long. It is a mindset that has to be changed.

  17. It's sad there are people on this planet that treat the Earth as their personal garbage pail. I would hate to see how they keep their own homes. It truly amazes me when people don't clean up after themselves. I feel your pain.

  18. I spend a lot of time enjoying the beautiful rivers and streams we have here in Missouri and I am also disgusted by the trash. We have an annual clean-up of the river that runs behind my house and we pull TONS of trash and garbage out (the Boy Scouts help!) including tires, refrigerators, you name it. It is really sad how disrespectful people can be.

    1. It's amazing that people dump those things. Sometimes it's due to flooding. Most of the time it's due to laziness.

  19. We have just moved to fishing and hunting paradise in Idaho from Wisconsin, and I have to say that was in a National Forest and found myself mad at litterbugs! I was especially mortified by poached deer carcass right off the trail! I wouldn't consider myself a tree hugger either, but will certainly start packing a garbage bag for all the trash I see when we go fishing and hunting (We always take our own stuff out, but will make more of an effort to make it look better than when we came.) Thanks for sharing!

    1. The carcasses really annoy me. It makes hunters look bad.

  20. Great reminder! I always make my kids pick up their litter, but why not take the extra step and pick up a bit more! It would set a good example for them, and hopefully help out the environment (and view) to boot!

    1. Great start with your own family. It all begins at home!

  21. It's great that you are conscious of these things and care enough to educate the world. Some people just don't even think about it.

    1. I don't know how conscious I am. I think I'm more annoyed! ;-)

  22. I think some people are pure born litterers. I wonder how they cope or what they think about our environment. I'm happy that you wrote this. There are so many issues which we don't even remember to address and they are so important to our society.

    1. Maybe we just get used to seeing it, Nekky.

  23. It's a shame people don't have respect for other people's property even if it's public land. I live in town and get upset when people leave their trash after watching a pee wee football game across the street. i'm sure they would appreciate people doing that to their property.

    1. Always nice to watch a kids sport and leave trash behind. I hear ya!

  24. It is aggravating when people leave their trash littered anywhere! Just pick it up and put it in the garbage already!

  25. I spent a week in Virginia on vacation last September. It is so beautiful there. I agree with your post. Littering drives me crazy! I'm always been vigilant about it and can't understand why people would be so disrespectful. I love to travel and I travel to see nature not see people's trash. I should start chronicling the trash I see when I travel. The only trash I laughed about was the abandoned condoms in a Scottish castle ruin I was checking out. Apparently I was touring the local teenagers makeout area.

  26. I've never understood littering, it is just so lazy and selfish! I'm so sorry that people aren't respecting your hometown - but speaking out about it is a great way to raise awareness, so kudos :)

  27. I'm in! We must take better care of our world.

  28. Great post and beautiful picture - I make it a point to talk to the kids about keeping our environment clean, and we pick up litter when we see it. It amazes me that people have so little respect for our Earth!

    1. The picture is at one of my favorite lakes in West Virginia. It's called Rock Cliff Lake.

  29. What a beautiful picture! I can't imagine anyone wanting to litter and mar such a wonderful place.

  30. I totally agree. I feel terrible even leaving my chewing gum on the ground. I don't understand people who can just throw their whole fast food bag out their car window. My kids know better and at times they will pick something up in a parking lot on their own and throw it away on the way in and they are only 3 & 5. I hope they will always do that.

    1. The fast food bag makes me want to run into their car! Good for you teaching your kids that way!

  31. Well said. I think the worst that I've seen is people leaving dirty diapers in parking lots when there is a trash can not more than a few steps away.

    Our youngest is 7 now but when he was 4 and saw someone littering he used to quite loudly say "That person doesn't care about the Earth. He should go to jail." If he was close enough to the litter, he would pick it up to put in the trash. Now, he just picks it up and has this look of disgust on his face as if to say "That person doesn't care about the Earth. He should go to jail."

  32. We just drove to FL and back. I was amazed at the different policies states have about littering. Some states say a max $500 fine and others say points on your license plus a hefty fine. I hope they're enforcing those laws! I was always taught to leave a place better than you found it and that's what we teach our kids too.

  33. Makes me so angry to see people littering. It's one thing I'll never understand.

  34. Littering is out of control all over. Do people not care to think about the effects of their consequences. I love the tips you gave.

  35. Littering happens everywhere! It is a shame that people feel the need to throw their trash out any and everywhere. I like the point you made: "If you brought take it with you."

    Yes take your trash with you and dispose of it properly.

    Still Dating My Spouse

    Stopping by via the 100 comment blog hop!

    1. Pamela, Someone said, "Just put a bag in your car". It really is that simple isn't it?

  36. I definitely feel that you should teach your children how to save the environment. Great tips!

  37. Littering is one of my pet peeves. He-He, I've been known to pull a few stunts on litterers. I watched a lady eat here fast food meal, sitting in her car in a parking lot at WalMart. She finished eating. Got out of her car. Dropped the bag of trash on the ground beside her car, and the just waltzed across the parking lot, and then into the store. I got out of my car. Pick up the bag, took out all the trash. Opened the burger wrapped, and placed it gooey side down...onto her windshield, and held it in place with the windshield wiper. He fry bay, turned inside out, went under the other wiper. I carefully "tied" the bag to her door handle (as to not set off the car alarm", and then stuck a sticky note onto the drivers side window. The note said "Oops I think that you dropped something:-)"


    I've also been known to watch people throw their cigarette butts on the ground, when exiting their vehicles. If I'm in one of my "moods", I'll don a pair of disposable gloves, whip out a small glass, that I keep in my purse, for just such an occasion...and then proceed to pick up every cigarette butt I can find withing a radius of say, 100 feet (as I'm sure you know - this is an easy feat). I will then deposit the butts all along the front wind shield of the perpetrators car. They get a sticky note that says "Butts belong in pants...not on the ground!)

    You don't have to be a tree hugger, to make a difference!

    1. Wow! Maybe that's what it takes to change people!

  38. We also live in a beautiful picturesque part of the country and my kids also are in cub scouts. We've done many pick-up-trash-along-the-roads projects to go along with their scout projects and I'm also amazed at the trash people just chuck out of their windows. Probably the saddest part about where we are is that it's the people who live along our little country road who are chucking out their trash, not some visitor who doesn't care.

    Also I'm with you on the tree hugger vs. common sense caring for our resources. I also believe it's important to keep a clean nice environment and use resources responsibly. It's too bad the tree huggers have just about ruined that for us with their militant ultra stupid desires that nothing ever be used . . . ever.

    1. Oh, I'm not saying it's vistors, Michelle. Although, they may contribute. Unfortunately, it's the people who live here.

  39. Oooo you have hit on one of my biggest pet peeves. I recently moved from one of the cleanest cities in Texas to one of the dirtiest places I've ever seen (San Antonio). It makes me SOOOOO angry. I do not understand why people do this. It is so gross and UGLY. I am so sorry this has happened, and good for you for standing up for your beautiful home!

    1. Sorry, you had to move to a dirty place. I would think San Antonio would work on that since they are so tourist based.

  40. What a beautiful area - I hate to see littering anywhere and I think it is important to keep teaching our kids the right steps - yeah Cub Scouts!

  41. I agree with you and I would hope that everyone would lol. I wish more people cared about the environment. Even if we're not all ditching our cars or putting solar panels on our homes, there are so many simple and effective ways to make a difference. If nothing else, it just looks nasty when there's trash laying all around and it's dangerous too--what if a kid stepped on broken glass from those bottles? It's irresponsible not to at least pick up after yourself.


    1. Speaking of glass bottles, I have almost stepped on things like that in parks and rivers. My dad had stitches when he was younger from landing on a metal can while playing barefoot in a park.

  42. AMEN! This has been happening all over for decades, but I think it's getting worse! I chalk it up to three things: 1) our disposable society - there are more throw-away items than ever before - nobody feels the need to hang on to anything. If they had brought a reusable lunch tote and water bottle, you'd better believe they would've carried it out. 2) our entitlement society - people think they are above doing anything menial like picking up trash! Thank GOODNESS for kind people like you who will clean up after these folks! and 3) Our irresponsible society - seems like a growing trend for people to just walk away from messes they create as if they have no obligation. I guess # 2 and 3 are similar...
    Sigh - it's a big issue. I'm no tree hugger either, but I don't believe in destroying God's beautiful creation! I am grateful you wrote this post to remind people of the need to clean up! :) And for your willingness to pitch in! :)

    1. I couldn't have said it better, Julie! I believe you have touched on the root of the problem.

  43. This is so true.. people can be so lazy and its so simple.. just pick it up! There are trashcans everywhere- the ground is not a trashcan!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!!! xoxo- Rachel

  44. I lived hear picturesque lakes for many years {also a much-loved vacation spot for many people}, and I agree with you 100% about the littering topic! I don't understand the mind of people who can just shove junk our their window. Anyone ever hear of a little trash bag in the car or cleaning out the trash when you get home or to the next gas station? There's nothing too hard about that at all. It really is selfish & lazy, as someone else mentioned! Good post!

    1. You are so right. Of course, Shelly, they may throw the bag in the car out the window.

  45. Well, I AM a "treehugger" and I so appreciate the wisdom and value in your post! Great reminder of environmental stewardship and parental modeling!

  46. What you said is so true! I still pick up trash in parking lots, and bring home aluminum cans to recycle. My tenants bag up or pile up tons of aluminum, then leave them when they sneak out and don't pay. Beautiful photos.

    1. Oh my goodness. I'm sure you could write a good post about being good tenants! I have seen the bad side of that with property my dad owns.

  47. This is so true! Growing up I lived on a busy old highway that had a railroad opposite the line of houses. It wasn't really a beautiful area, but it was amazing what all people would throw out their window while driving, or let out, such as kittens.

    1. Michelle, don't get me started on kittens...

  48. Everything would be a lot cleaner and less chaotic if we all would just pick up after ourselves. (Don't open my bedroom door!)

  49. It is always such a shame to see garbage anywhere- let alone in a place of natural beauty. It amazes me that someone would seek out such a place of beauty and then trash it-

  50. I really appreciate this article. I live in the inner-city and people litter like it's no big deal. I hate seeing litter in my neighborhood. I especially hate it when trash flies into our front yard. We do everything that we can to make sure that our neighborhood is clean.

    1. Keep up the good work. Maybe it will inspire others in your neighborhood!

  51. It just takes a little discipline within us to maintain cleanliness. Its everyone's responsibility. I wish more of us would be mindful of that. Great post!

  52. Just think, if people act like this outside, what must their homes look like inside?

  53. Sometimes we need to go back to elementary school and learn what needs to be done...seriously!! Trash is becoming such a crazy problem all around and it needs to be dealt with one person at a time!!

    1. I think most of the time we should practice what we learned in elementary school...

  54. It amazes me also that people think it is alright just throw empty coke bottles, empty fast food containers and all kinds of stuff in the street. I have seen my nieces eat candy and just throw the wrapper on the ground. I make them pick it up. When we live in Phoenix I was amazed at all the trash in the grocery store parking lot. Your right it only takes a few moments to pick it up. Thank you for sharing this post and reminding us all not to liter.

    1. Good for you to make them pick it up. They will remember and hopefully pass it along.

  55. bello bello bello, anche tu non scherzi a bei posti, comunque quando passi dai miei paradisi fermati da me. bello incontrare persone così semplici e naturali. ti seguo

    1. Grazie! Se mai farlo in Italia, mi recherò!

  56. Love this post, I agree and hate when people litter, Just bring a bag with you and take all your trash home or to a trashcan somewhere!

  57. You and me and the 70 plus people who commented above are all horrified by folks leaving who is doing it? :)
    Seriously though, this is a wonderful post...great advice...this should be posted in every home and school! My husband and I flyfish and frequent the most beautiful scenic streams and rivers...I always take along a big plastic garbage bag to collect stuff that others "left behind".
    Hope you will visit me:

    1. Vivian, some folks here have said how they are trying to change it. Seems like we are a minority. I guess people just need to realize we need to be good stewards. Nothing crazy, just plain take care of things to keep it nice!
      Not much of a fly fisher, but would love to take you fishing here in Virginia. Keep in touch!

  58. Oh wow, I totally agree!!! This is just so sad and I can't believe the stuff that has been left on your parent's property-that's crazy! I love the idea of getting the kids involved and I think I am going to start doing that more often. We are moving to Florida and it would a great idea to take bags with us to the beach to put trash in. I mean, seriously, why would people do that? o they do that in theor own home? I'm a homeschooler and I am thinking I could make a great unit study out of this-thanks for posting!

    1. Homeschool moms teach everywhere! Go for it. Although, little jealous about the Florida move!

  59. My mom who's a preschool teacher always teaches the little ones to never leave their trash behind. If there isn't any trash bin around, then take it with you when you go home so you can throw it there. Great post here! We need to take care of our surroundings.

  60. I'm trying to teach my young girls this now, to pick up after themselves, not onl at home but in public places like the park. Either find the trash can or take it home with you to throw away. Sometimes while out on walks in our own neighborhood if we see a trash item we pick it up and bring it home to throw away. I think every little bit helps and if we all did our share this wouldn't be a problem!! Sad it is! I love our environment and am trying to teahc my family to as well.

    1. Good job, Caroline! Ultimately, it starts at home.

  61. Amen!! I agree. My husband and I just went walking around a nature center park today and it was so lovely! We walked around a lake and saw a sign that said not to leave fishing lines. It was very refreshing to see a clean park!

    1. I pulled a huge ball of fishing line and leaves out of the river the other day. Yuk.

  62. What a beautiful picture! I agree! I remember as a kid learning that you should leave nothing behind, let it look like you were never there, strive for zero impact in nature :)

  63. I love this post because it is so true. Nothing bothers me more than seeing litter on the ground. It angers me even more when there is a garbage can not three feet away from the trash on the ground. WTF, people?!? Is it really that hard to walk three feet to the trash can to throw stuff in the bin where it belongs?

    1. I know, I do not understand not putting it in the can. I have watched people do it.

  64. I agree! We are a family of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and we take "Leave No Trace" very seriously. Now, if only the boys took it so seriously here in the house. . .

  65. I hate when people litter I mean is it really that hard to just throw it in a trash can? its so bad for the environment and the people/animals in it.

  66. It is frustrating that people care so little about about the environment and other people's property. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.

  67. It's too bad these people don't think about how their actions could potentially ruin the very reason they chose to visit your area. It only take a few minutes to be respectful of others and the environment.


    1. Stephanie, most of the people making the mess LIVE HERE! That's even worse to me!

  68. Littering is a problem that can so easily be fixed. It's a shame more people can't be responsible and pick up after themselves. It would benefit everyone. I have taught all of my kids that you do not litter. Even my two year old knows that trash goes into a trash bag when he's done with it. Thanks for sharing.

  69. Horrible... Absolutely horrible. It's a shame. My 2 1/2 year old has already learned and knows better. Wish more adults knew how to responsibly throw their trash into a proper bin...

    Nicole @ MamaNYC

    1. Hopefully, the next generation will know better, but I'm not sure.
